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fri is a project that began in 2013 when artists from around the world sent images of their passports to be processed by artists themselves and generated a work of art that would serve as a reflection on borders and national identities.

It became a call to the generation of free places and to global citizenship.


fri walls
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A high-added value global action that allows you to enjoy long-term stays in incredible places

¿Por qué nace #friWALLS ?

Today, more than ever, we must build an inclusive culture with full respect for the human rights of migrants, refugees and their families around the world. There is an urgent need to forge messages of tolerance and harmony through art and intervention in urban spaces.

Meet the artists and spaces noox of the 2017 edition



One of the largest human rights organizations in the world. It is a global, democratic and independent movement with more than 7 million members, activists and supporters worldwide. They obtain funding through memberships from members of civil society.

Noox has supported Amnesty International since 2012 with donations and art exhibitions aimed at raising awareness about human rights.

Do you want to help? You can join as a member and help with your personal donation to maintain the financial independence of the organization.

Some of the organizations we support:

Would you like to help? Write to us

¡Gracias! Mensaje enviado.

Migrant Startup

si lampara


Boutique Festival

The restored spaces of the Kankabal estate will be the setting for the second edition of the fri Festival. Kankabal is a restored estate that has been worked on by various artists. Every corner of the estate is dedicated to creativity, inspiration and creation in harmony with nature.

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  • fb fri
  • Noox tv
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© 2013 by fri.

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